Pet Travel Blog
Thundershirt - Not Just for Thunder
July 14th, 2010 at 11:21 am   starstarstarstarstar      

I haven't done a product review for a while.  It certainly is not because there is a shortage of products to review.  I just don't know where the time goes!  


We recently started carrying Thundershirts.  It sounded like a cool product but almost too good to be true.  We immediately began selling them but it wasn't until last weekend's dog show that I personally heard from customers how great this product actually is.  The Thundershirt was "flying off the shelf"!


One woman, however, was very skeptical.  She said her dog gets so frantic when it thunders that she was convinced nothing would help him.  She had tried everything else on the market with no success.  She did decide, however, to give Thundershirt a try. 


On my way home from the dog show, I received a call from this customer.  She said it started thundering as soon as she got home and she immediately put the shirt on her dog.  She couldn't believe it!  Her dog had NO symptoms of fear or any type of anxiety.   She was so happy!!!  The next morning she ordered another for a friend of hers.


I have been lucky.  None of my dogs have ever been bothered by noise or thunder so I am unable to test this product myself for that purpose.  Since it helps all types of anxiety, I do plan to try it on my next trip with Cookie, though.  She gets very stressed out when I leave her alone in the hotel room.  I'll let you know how that goes!


More info on Thundershirt

Posted in Pet Travel Blog by Nancy Cribb