Pet Travel Blog
Arctic Blast and your dog
January 8th, 2014 at 6:00 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

Furry Travelers is based in Southeast Florida, so while we complain that we are cold, we know we have it so easy compared to the rest of the nation.


Many pet owners think that since their dog has fur, they are warm in any climate.  In extreme cases, however, even the thickest fur coat may not be enough to keep your dog warm.  And for dogs with shorter fur, it is even more important to give them a little extra protection.


To help keep dogs warm this season, we have put many of our winter items including dog coats and dog boots on sale as much as 50% off.  Most items are very easy to put on your dog with Velcro closures.


And for the more glamourous pup, we have Susan Lanci faux fur dog coats!

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